About Page

Hi there! I’m Glenn, a entrepreneur with the goal of creating a network. In the beginning it was for my endeavors. A platform for my TV station, A website to promote my banner and brand-name “GFFYN“. The more I got into my goal and getting things together. I come to the realization! Going at this as a consumer, as one would do. By going out purchasing a website and building it up, you just wouldn’t get the resources that you need, not unless you pay a whole lot more. Next I came to realize! Yes there’s a lot of how to tutorial out there, but no one support on, what I need to meet my goals. because websites are sold as a simple blog and nothing more. For any other kind of web platform you have to be a developer with savvy, I’m just a simple old entrepreneur who is self-taught. So I put together a game plan that provided the Finance stability and unlimited resources with an additional benefit. That would be, the unlimited resources to do with as I see fit. Plus a license to sell that resource and all their components.

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